Laboratory Techniques In Electroanalytical Chemistry

19 February 2019
This practical, intuitive approach to electroanalytical chemistry presents both fundamental concepts and experimental techniques without confusing technical jargon or needlessly extensive mathematics. It is a valuable reference for chemists in a variety of fields and an important textbook for graduate or upper-level undergraduate students enrolled in instrumental analysis or analytical chemistry courses.This second edition encompasses 1000 pages and offers authoritative contributions from forty experts. It is well illustrated (1050 illustrations, tables, photographs or equations) and documented (1640 citations).
Ordering Information:
ISBN-0824794451 Laboratory Techniques in Electroanalytical Chemistry
Table of Contents
An Overview, Peter T. Kissinger
Fundamental Concepts of Analytical Electrochemistry, Peter T. Kissinger, Carl R. Preddy, Ronald E. Shoup, and William R. Heineman
Large-Amplitude Controlled-Potential Techniques, William R. Heineman and Peter T. Kissinger
Small-Amplitude Controlled-Potential Techniques, Peter T. Kissinger and Thomas H. Ridgway
Introduction to Analog Instrumentation, Peter T. Kissinger
Overcoming Solution Resistance with Stability and Grace in Potentiostatic Circuits, David K. Roe
Conductivity and Conductometry, F. James Holler and Christie G. Enke
Electrochemical Cells, Fred M. Hawkridge
Carbon Electrodes, Richard L. McCreery and Kristin K. Cline
Film Electrodes, James L. Anderson and Nicholas Winograd
Microelectrodes, Adrian C. Michael and R. Mark Wightman
Chemically Modified Electrodes, Charles R. Martin and Colby A. Foss, Jr.
Mercury Electrodes, Zbigniew Galus
Solvents and Supporting Electrolytes, Albert J. Fry
Electrochemical Studies at Reduced Temperature, Dennis H. Evans and Susan A. Lerke
Electroanalytical Chemistry in Molten Salts, Charles L. Hussey
Vacuum-Line Techniques, Vladimir Katovic, Michael A. May, and Csaba P. Keszthelyi
Electrochemistry in the Dry Box, Steven N. Frank and Su-Moon Park
Digital Simulation of Electrochemical Problems, J.T. Maloy
Evaluation of Mechanisms of Organic Reactions, M. Dale Hawley
Electroorganic Synthesis, Eberhard Steckhan
Instructional Examples of Electrode Mechanisms of Transition Metal Complexes, William E. Geiger
Electrochemical Preconcentration, Joseph Wang
Controlled-Current Coulometry, David J. Curran
Electrochemistry in Pharmaceutical Analysis, Marvin A. Brooks and Eric W. Tsai
Electrochemical Detection in Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis, Susan M. Lunte, Craig E. Lunte, and Peter T. Kissinger
Photonic Electrochemistry, Andrew B. Bocarsly, Hiroyasu Tachikawa, and Larry R. Faulkner
Principles and Techniques of Electrochemical-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Experiments, Ira B. Goldberg and Ted M. McKinney